Where were you born?
I was born in a city called Nantes, in the west of France, near the
Atlantic Ocean. Approximately 2 hours from Paris by train.
Where were you born?
I was born in a city called Nantes, in the west of France, near the
Atlantic Ocean. Approximately 2 hours from Paris by train.
What were you interested during your childhood?
When I was a child I was a lot into sports, I did many of them such as
soccer, rugby, basket ball, volley-ball, handball, archery etc. Maybe
because my father was a sports teacher. I still love sport and would like
to have more time to practice and discover new ones.
When and how did you meet music?
Why did you start playing music?
Furthermore, how have you arrived at the current style of music?
Around 14 or 15 years old I was really into Nirvana, and also bands like
Red Hot Chili Peppers. I listened to Jimmy Hendrix as well, Bob Marley etc
… Then around 16 we had a punk band with some of my school mates, I played
One day one of my friend’s cousin came back from UK with some mixtapes. My
friend said to me:
‘Listen to this’, and I felt in love with Jungle music, it was around
1995. My best friend as well was really into it, so when I bought
turntables in 1996 he had a mic and I was Djing and my friend Mcing. In
1998 we started a Jungle radio show at the Nantes university
’s radio, every week. We did this radio show for 9 years, on other radios
as well, and with some other friends that we met. We played Jungle,
Breakbeats, UK Garage, then Dark Garage with the first Tempa, Ghost,
Soulja, Shelflife, Road records productions, then Dubstep
…We always loved a lot of different music and still listen to everything.
What were you interested during your childhood?
When I was a child I was a lot into sports, I did many of them such as
soccer, rugby, basket ball, volley-ball, handball, archery etc. Maybe
because my father was a sports teacher. I still love sport and would like
to have more time to practice and discover new ones.
When and how did you meet music?
Why did you start playing music?
Furthermore, how have you arrived at the current style of music?
Around 14 or 15 years old I was really into Nirvana, and also bands like
Red Hot Chili Peppers. I listened to Jimmy Hendrix as well, Bob Marley etc
… Then around 16 we had a punk band with some of my school mates, I played
One day one of my friend’s cousin came back from UK with some mixtapes. My
friend said to me:
‘Listen to this’, and I felt in love with Jungle music, it was around
1995. My best friend as well was really into it, so when I bought
turntables in 1996 he had a mic and I was Djing and my friend Mcing. In
1998 we started a Jungle radio show at the Nantes university
’s radio, every week. We did this radio show for 9 years, on other radios
as well, and with some other friends that we met. We played Jungle,
Breakbeats, UK Garage, then Dark Garage with the first Tempa, Ghost,
Soulja, Shelflife, Road records productions, then Dubstep
…We always loved a lot of different music and still listen to everything.
Who is/are your respecting artist(s)?
I think the first name that comes in mind is Fela Kuti, he fighted the
power in his country (Nigeria) with his music, could unite a lot of people
with music, and even went to jail and been tortured for what he said
through his music. Here you can see the power the music can have.
Who is/are your respecting artist(s)?
I think the first name that comes in mind is Fela Kuti, he fighted the
power in his country (Nigeria) with his music, could unite a lot of people
with music, and even went to jail and been tortured for what he said
through his music. Here you can see the power the music can have.
Now, you are staying in Tokyo over a period of time from France, please
tell us about scenes in Tokyo.
There are a lot of producers and DJs in Tokyo, a lot of clubs and events as
well. I could restart in Tokyo the Basement Ltd. Nights I was running in
Paris in 2007-2008. The party is now at Module, and we want to showcase music that we love in Bass Music
in general. The first parties were really good so I hope we can progress
more in the future.
Now, you are staying in Tokyo over a period of time from France, please
tell us about scenes in Tokyo.
There are a lot of producers and DJs in Tokyo, a lot of clubs and events as
well. I could restart in Tokyo the Basement Ltd. Nights I was running in
Paris in 2007-2008. The party is now at Module, and we want to showcase music that we love in Bass Music
in general. The first parties were really good so I hope we can progress
more in the future.
Could you please tell us about your 7even Recordings?
What kind of challenges await for the 7even Recordings ahead?
Could you please tell us about your 7even Recordings?
What kind of challenges await for the 7even Recordings ahead?
7even Recordings has been created at the end of 2007, and released music by
French artists F, Likhan', Helixir, Joaan as well as Japanese producer ENA,
with remixes from Ramadanman, Untold and Millie from Millie & Andrea. The
label's music is oriented on a Bass Music identity, with releases in
Dubstep, Techno, House and more experimental sides. To date we have
released around 15 vinyls and 2 albums. The next release should be a new F
vinyl, with some very new styles from his studio. When I started the label
we had good recognition and could make a lot of good contacts with artists
in UK and Japan for example, and I hope we will continue like this.
These days, downloading music is well above the sales of CDs, and vinyl
users are decreasing. Also, it is now possible for artists to self-promote
on the internet.
In Japan, Fu-ei law restricts activity in clubs. It is now the drastic
changing era for the scenes. Under the circumstances, what is the role of a
label? How/What artist should be?
I think the label is the place where the artists can express what they
really want through their music. When a DJ or producer plays at a party, he
has to think about the audience. When he or she is working in the studio,
it is the expression of his or her own world, imagination, and the label is
here to show this world. That is why I think the label has an important
place in music and will still be here.
About the Fu-ei law, I think this is a serious problem for art and culture
in general. Music, clubs, art in general is important for everybody
’s own culture. This is a place where people can discover new music, but
also new people. This is a place of creation.
These days, downloading music is well above the sales of CDs, and vinyl
users are decreasing. Also, it is now possible for artists to self-promote
on the internet.
In Japan, Fu-ei law restricts activity in clubs. It is now the drastic
changing era for the scenes. Under the circumstances, what is the role of a
label? How/What artist should be?
I think the label is the place where the artists can express what they
really want through their music. When a DJ or producer plays at a party, he
has to think about the audience. When he or she is working in the studio,
it is the expression of his or her own world, imagination, and the label is
here to show this world. That is why I think the label has an important
place in music and will still be here.
About the Fu-ei law, I think this is a serious problem for art and culture
in general. Music, clubs, art in general is important for everybody
’s own culture. This is a place where people can discover new music, but
also new people. This is a place of creation.
bud is focusing on the base music since the invention of the Sub-woofer,
what do you think of the dubstep which is thought to be the edge of
evolution (of bass music)?
I think Dubstep is one of the evolution, but as every music it is also the
result of a mixture of a lot of different music and influences. Every music
is evolving naturally, I think the genre names are not so important.
bud is focusing on the base music since the invention of the Sub-woofer,
what do you think of the dubstep which is thought to be the edge of
evolution (of bass music)?
I think Dubstep is one of the evolution, but as every music it is also the
result of a mixture of a lot of different music and influences. Every music
is evolving naturally, I think the genre names are not so important.
Greg-san, What does DJing mean for you?
Greg-san, What does DJing mean for you?
Meeting people with music.
Could you give one, two or three words for the Okinawan audiences, artists
and deeply connected Asian audiences?
Could you give one, two or three words for the Okinawan audiences, artists
and deeply connected Asian audiences?
I went to Naha and Kume Jima for holidays two years ago and I loved
the atmosphere over there, so I am very excited to have the opportunity to
come back for the BUD RYUKYU party, meet my friends Mondo san and Atsuki
san, as well as meeting a lot of new people and enjoy music and vibes all
together. I am sure it will be really nice, everywhere I have been Djing in
Japan I met good people. I hope a lot of people will come to the party!
… And I love the Okinawa’s food!
14,15歳の頃、Nirvana, Redo Hot Chili Peppers にはまっていましたね。Jimmy HendrixやBob Marleyも聴いていました。16歳ごろになるとPunkのバンドを友達と組んでベースを担当しました。ある日イギリスから戻ってきた友達のいとこがミックステープを持ってきてこう言いました「これ聴いてみて」と。それはJungleミュージックのMIXテープで、すぐに恋に落ちてしまいましたね。1995年の事です。私の親友もJungleミュージックにはまっていて、1996年にターンテーブルとマイクを買ったときに、私がDJで友達がMCをやりました。1998年にはナント大学のラジオ番組でJungleを毎週プレイしました。私たちは9年間このラジオ番組を続け、他にもラジオ番組をやっていました。番組ではJungle、BreakbeatsやUK Garage 、Dark Garageを初期のTempaとやり、Ghost, Soulja, Shelflife, Road Record Productions をやったり、Dubstepをプレイしました。私たちはいつも色々な音楽が好きでいまだに色々な音楽を聴いています。
最初に名前が出てくるアーティストは Fela Kutiですね。彼は母国 (ナイジェリア)で国家権力と音楽を通して闘い、刑務所にいれられ、音楽のメッセージ性に対して拷問までされましたが、多くの人を音楽を通して一つにまとめました。ここでは音楽の力の凄さがみれますね。
東京にはたくさんのプロデューサーやDJ、クラブ、イベントがあります。2007年から2008年にパリでBasement Ltd. Nightsをやっていたのを東京の地で再開できました。そのパーティーはModuleでやっていて私たちが大好きなベースミュージックを多くの人に見せたいですね。最初のパーティーはとても良くて、今後発展していくことを願っています。
主宰されている7even Recordingsについて教えて下さい。
また7even Recordingsの今後の挑戦は?
また7even Recordingsの今後の挑戦は?
7even Recordingsは2007年の終わりに作られて、フランス人のアーティストF, Likhan', HelixirやJoaan、また日本人プロデューサーENAの楽曲をリリースし、さらにそれらの楽曲がRamadanman, Untold,Millie from Millie & Andreaによってリミックスされたものをリリースしています。レーベルの音楽はベースミュージックを基調としていて、Dubstep, Techno, Houseや、もっとExperimentalなサイドを取っています。今までに12inch15枚と2つのアルバムをリリースしました。次のリリースはFの12inchで、彼のスタジオで作られたとても新しいスタイルが聴けるでしょう。レーベルをスタートさせた当初から私たちの作品はとてもよく認知されていてUKや日本のアーティスト達と良いコンタクトがとれました。これからもこのような事が続く事を願っています。
レーベルはアーティストが本当に音楽を通して表現できる所だと思います。Djやプロデューサーがパーティーでプレイする時、オーディエンスの事を考えなきゃだめです。スタジオで製作する場合は、自分の世界や想像の世界を作る場で、レーベルはその世界を見せる場です。その為、レーベルは音楽の世界では重要で将来的にも残ると思います。風営法については一般的に芸術や文化にとってとて も問題のあることだと思います。音楽、クラブ、芸術一般はみんなの文化にとって重要だと思います。その場が人々にとって新しい音楽を発見できる場、また新しい人々に合える所です。創造の場です。
Dubstep は進化の一つです。またすべての音楽も色々な違う音楽の影響を受けてミックスされています。すべての音楽が自然に進化していて、ジャンルの名前はそんなに重要なことだとは思っていません。
二年前、休日に那覇と久米島に行ってきて、そこの雰囲気がとても気に入りました。なので bud RYUKYUのパーティーに戻ってこれるのは光栄ですし、友人であるMondoさんやAtsukiさんに会うことや、多くの人々に会い一緒にVibesを感じる事が楽しみですね。もちろんいいパーティーになります。日本でDJする時はいつでもどこでもいい人達に会いますから。
たくさんの人がパーティーに来れるといいですね! ・・・それと沖縄の食文化を愛してます!
たくさんの人がパーティーに来れるといいですね! ・・・それと沖縄の食文化を愛してます!

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