ENA Exclusive Mail Interview
4月に7even Recordingsより1st Album-BILATERAL-をリリースしたENAに自身の作品、制作etc..についてインタビューした。
Album Bilateralリリースおめでとうございます。早速聴かせてもらいました。
Congratulations on releasing “Album Bilateral”. I’ve already listened to it. Please let us hear some of your thoughts and difficulties making the masterpiece of this album.
Congratulations on releasing “Album Bilateral”. I’ve already listened to it. Please let us hear some of your thoughts and difficulties making the masterpiece of this album.
Thank you very much. Since the sounds were already lined up for this album, I didn’t suffer from making music, but, the final phase of mixing down the quality of the sound took much effort. I could have made more perfect sound, but I aimed for imperfect sound which was not to fade the face of the one by one sound.
Thank you very much. Since the sounds were already lined up for this album, I didn’t suffer from making music, but, the final phase of mixing down the quality of the sound took much effort. I could have made more perfect sound, but I aimed for imperfect sound which was not to fade the face of the one by one sound.
ENAさんと言えば、Drum'm BassやDUBSTEP界隈で名を知る人が多いと思いますが、Album Bilaeteralではそのどちでもないような、新しい世界観があって、あの無機質な音、だけど、どこか温かさを含んでいるmelodyと今迄聞いたことのないBASSのアプローチが静かな美しさを生み出しているように感じました。盛り込まれたアイディア、発想はどのようなところから湧いて楽曲としてアウトプットされていますか?
The honest opinion about the album was “What is this?”. Then, I read on the twitter that says “Please listen anyway and confuse”, which made me unexpected laugh. About ENA san, who is known for Drum’n Bass/DUBSTEP maker around, in “Album Bilateral”, it didn’t belong to either one of them and there is new sense of the world. I haven’t listened to that kind of approach of the inorganic sound somewhat warming melody and unknown bass, which created quiet beauty, I felt. How were the inspiration and embodied idea born and made the output as sound? Also, please tell us your caring and needing equipment and software.
The honest opinion about the album was “What is this?”. Then, I read on the twitter that says “Please listen anyway and confuse”, which made me unexpected laugh. About ENA san, who is known for Drum’n Bass/DUBSTEP maker around, in “Album Bilateral”, it didn’t belong to either one of them and there is new sense of the world. I haven’t listened to that kind of approach of the inorganic sound somewhat warming melody and unknown bass, which created quiet beauty, I felt. How were the inspiration and embodied idea born and made the output as sound? Also, please tell us your caring and needing equipment and software.
In spite of making the intro. for the album, basically, I make sounds for my own DJ’s sake. It would have been activated as club-track if the system was descent (perhaps).
In spite of making the intro. for the album, basically, I make sounds for my own DJ’s sake. It would have been activated as club-track if the system was descent (perhaps).
The software is evolving and made easier to make music day by day. In spite of being fascinated by seeing growing number of creators, I thought that interesting idea and individuality are descended. I deleted the well-heard drum pattern at the moment of touching my inspiration. There is no special method as long as making sound. Perhaps the idea is floated in as completed form, but the other time, I remix the sound which is already once made. Basically, I make sounds with “Cubase” and sampler, but I also use Tape Eco’s RE-20 and Juno-60 (Analog synthesizer) since I want some noise and matter sound.
It seems that the album of “BILATERAL” includes a meaning of two sides, what did you put the real meaning into it, ENA san?
It seems that the album of “BILATERAL” includes a meaning of two sides, what did you put the real meaning into it, ENA san?
特に自分の音楽にはメッセージの様な物は無いのですが、レーベルオーナーのGregとフランスと日本の文化や常識の違い、あとは商業的な音楽とアンダーグラウンドの考え方とかを話してる時にいつも、Good side/Bad side、でお互いに良い面も悪い面もあるよね、って話をしてるので、その辺りから何となく(笑)言葉の響きも良かったので選びました。
My music usually has no special meaning, but I chose this name because the word sounds pretty good (laugh) and the cultural/common sense difference between the France and Japan since the owner of a label is “Greg”. Furthermore, we always dicuss about the aiming difference between bad and good side of industrial music and underground music. However, I thought that the environment of listening to Dubstep in a club or not is different so I gave many meanings into the word (laugh). By listening to the sound, it might make audience think deeply but there is no such depth into it (laugh).
My music usually has no special meaning, but I chose this name because the word sounds pretty good (laugh) and the cultural/common sense difference between the France and Japan since the owner of a label is “Greg”. Furthermore, we always dicuss about the aiming difference between bad and good side of industrial music and underground music. However, I thought that the environment of listening to Dubstep in a club or not is different so I gave many meanings into the word (laugh). By listening to the sound, it might make audience think deeply but there is no such depth into it (laugh).
ここ二年程で積極的にGreg g主催の7even Recordingsから作品をリリースしていますが音楽性、Greg gとの付き合い等を含め7even Recordingsというレーベルにについて教えて下さい。
You have been releasing masterpieces aggressively in these two years from “Greg g’s 7even Recordings”, Please tell us more about the label of the “7even Recordings”, connection between “Greg g” and musical intention.
You have been releasing masterpieces aggressively in these two years from “Greg g’s 7even Recordings”, Please tell us more about the label of the “7even Recordings”, connection between “Greg g” and musical intention.
It is natural for me to work with Greg since the thoughts and likes are similar between both of us. Especially, I do not intend to make music for 7even, but Greg happens to like my music and being released. Greg controls the whole label, as you might already know, and it is not merely a Dubstep label from the beginning. It is pretty funny that if you listen back, there is reflection of Greg’s interest/likes (laugh).
It is natural for me to work with Greg since the thoughts and likes are similar between both of us. Especially, I do not intend to make music for 7even, but Greg happens to like my music and being released. Greg controls the whole label, as you might already know, and it is not merely a Dubstep label from the beginning. It is pretty funny that if you listen back, there is reflection of Greg’s interest/likes (laugh).
DJ Nobuに続き日本人二人目のRA(※Resident Advisor)のナビゲーターに選ばれていますね。そこ迄の経緯を聞かせて下さい。
※ヨーロッパ大手のClub Music専門サイト
You are chosen as the second Japanese RA (Resident Advisor) after Dj Nobu, please tell us about the time of being so.
You are chosen as the second Japanese RA (Resident Advisor) after Dj Nobu, please tell us about the time of being so.
RAの事は勿論昔から知っていましたけど、なんで俺なのかなーと思いながらミックスを作っていましたw 後々考えるとDrum&Bass/dubstep/Techno、まぁ特にジャンル名は必要ないと思いますけど、ジャンルレスで、何かルーツを感じる音が好きなRAのセレクトに丁度はまったのかなーと。。
It was simple. I was contacted by them and made mix which was chosen. I of course knew the position of RA from a long time ago, but I kept making mixes while wondering why I was chosen (laugh). If I think back, Drum&Bass/dubstep/Techno, well there seem no special genres, I believe that my genre-less style and the “Root” of the sound made the selection of RA.
It was simple. I was contacted by them and made mix which was chosen. I of course knew the position of RA from a long time ago, but I kept making mixes while wondering why I was chosen (laugh). If I think back, Drum&Bass/dubstep/Techno, well there seem no special genres, I believe that my genre-less style and the “Root” of the sound made the selection of RA.
In Podcast, you construct your own plays. Do you also base on your original sound and play in European and Japanese tour?
In Podcast, you construct your own plays. Do you also base on your original sound and play in European and Japanese tour?
Yes, I play sounds from unreleased music from Producer who are similar to my taste these years. It is difficult to find sounds that I like from new sounds, radio, and promotions…
Yes, I play sounds from unreleased music from Producer who are similar to my taste these years. It is difficult to find sounds that I like from new sounds, radio, and promotions…
Is this first time for you to visit Okinawa?
Is this first time for you to visit Okinawa?
Including Okinawa, I have never been to the southern countries (laugh).
Including Okinawa, I have never been to the southern countries (laugh).
bud ryukyuはこれまでにいろんなArtistがプレイしてきましたが、今回はその中でもかなりの深さを感じるPartyになるだろうとレジデント全員で期待しています。
bud ryukyuファンへ一言、そして意気込みを聞かせて下さい。
The various artists have been playing with “bud ryukyu”. We expect that the party will be one of the deepest/dopest parties we have held. Also, the flyer is based on the theme of deep sea. We expect the whole challenging, suffering, chaos, like the way the album is! Please give fans of “bud ryukyu” and your intention.
The various artists have been playing with “bud ryukyu”. We expect that the party will be one of the deepest/dopest parties we have held. Also, the flyer is based on the theme of deep sea. We expect the whole challenging, suffering, chaos, like the way the album is! Please give fans of “bud ryukyu” and your intention.
I wonder about the expectation of the “suffering” part (laugh). I was given great info. from IORI, so I’m excited about the first time visitation of Okinawa!
I wonder about the expectation of the “suffering” part (laugh). I was given great info. from IORI, so I’m excited about the first time visitation of Okinawa!
English Ver. coming soon....
English Ver. coming soon....
ENA-bud ryukyu exclusive mix(Untitled Mix) in bud radio archives
日本のBASS MUSICを代表するTOPクリエーターENAのdubplate満載のExclusive Mixが到着!
Track Listを見ると分かるがどれもまだUntitleのまさにフレッシュなdubplate mixになっており、彼の希有な才能を垣間見れることは間違いない。
Track Listを見ると分かるがどれもまだUntitleのまさにフレッシュなdubplate mixになっており、彼の希有な才能を垣間見れることは間違いない。
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